Letters to the Editor July 20

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Mayor John Tory is willing to spend more than $5 million to please a fringe social media group that wants revenge on a man who died 200 years ago. What an utter waste of tax dollars. If you really want to help the black community, John, spend the money on something useful. A black-centric recreation centre strategically located and staffed by black professionals and volunteers comes to mind. Give at-risk black kids somewhere to go where they don’t have to deal with pressure from criminal gangs trying to recruit them for their own benefit. It’ll probably be more expensive, but there are two more levels of government that might be willing to chip in. Changing a bunch of signs because you don’t approve of a slave trade that doesn’t exist anymore solves nothing and doesn’t address the problems that blacks have to deal with today.

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Don Steeves

(Not only will it not solve anything, there will be a never-ending chorus who will never be satisfied)


So, John Tory and his woke compatriots at City Hall are all for renaming the street, subway stations, and various other city-governed places because they were named after a guy who died more than 200 years ago. And, until five years ago, I doubt 20 people in Toronto knew who he was, or really cared. I understand that Toronto is so flush with money and has no more pressing problems (affordable housing, street repairs, homelessness, etc.) that this is the most appropriate way to spend millions of dollars. I can see renaming Dundas Square, with a plaque included as to why the renaming of a public gathering place is important, but beyond that â€" come on. I hope Mayor Bonnie Crombie in Mississauga and its councillors aren’t so blinded by such a disingenuous and meaningless gesture at the cost of doing some meaningful good that they follow suit. Although I disagree with Henry Dundas’s position on the abolition of slavery, espoused in a free country over 200 years ago, he had the right to express his opinion â€" something that individuals today and tomorrow are losing that right to do in Canada. By the way, if your surname is Dundas, you should seriously think of changing it, or face the repercussions.

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Paul Maginn

(We would think Toronto City Council would have far more significant priorities such as economic recovery from the pandemic, but no, they are seized with being woke)


Mayor John Tory, it’s not your mandate to rewrite history. Where do you stop? Millions spent can be used in the here and now. Make it a platform in your next election. You can always donate part of your salary if you and your councillors need action right away. Charity begins at home. Our tax dollars don’t grow on trees. You and Trudeau are cut from the same cloth, it seems.

C. Vanhorsen

(It is extremely disappointing Tory so quickly went along with this)

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