Juan Williams Merrick Garland can stop Donald Trump 2024 bid

A Fox News Channel analyst says President Biden’s attorney general can and should disqualify Donald Trump for running for president in 2024.

Juan Williams argues in an op-ed for The Hill that the former president is constitutionally ineligible to run for president for having “committed crimes against America” over the Jan. 6 riots.

He cited numerous facts as adding up to a moral certainty that “former President Trump is running again,” but “Attorney General Merrick Garland might be able to stop him.”

Mr. Williams favorably cited numerous legal analyses by former Labor Secretary Robert Reich and others saying that Mr. Garland could rule out Mr. Trump by citing “section 3 of the 14th amendment, which bars anyone from holding office who ‘engaged in insurrection,’ against the U.S.”

The former co-host of “The Five” and a liberal outlier at Fox News acknowledged the political trickiness of an opposite party attorney-general declaring someone ineligible for office.

“But Garland has the facts on his side. The facts say Trump tried to stage a coup,” Mr. Williams said.

After a lengthy listing of Mr. Trump’s actions delegitimizing the 2020 elections, he favorably cited a Washington Post column by liberals Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe and other lawyers saying that “attempted coups cannot be ignored.”

Mr. Williams then concluded his column at The Hill with an exhortation.

“Yes, Garland has the power to stop Trump from running again. It is time to use it,” he wrote.

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