Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda. Thu, 26 Aug 2021 11:49:06 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Watchdog Uganda 32 32 Over 20,000 get yellow fever jabs as NMS carries out vaccination drive in Entebbe Thu, 26 Aug 2021 11:26:04 +0000 Over 20,000 people have been vaccinated against yellow fever in Entebbe area.

The exercise is being championed by the National Medical Stores (NMS) at the Mayor’s Gardens in Katabi, Entebbe.

“Every Ugandan is encouraged to come and get vaccinated,” said NMS Senior Public Relations Officer, Sheila Nduhukire. She added, “Please come with your National Identity Card.”

The event, which ends on August 30, 2021, has attracted thousands of residents of Entebbe and nearby suburbs.

Security personnel and NMS staff ensured the hundreds of people got vaccinated while observing Ministry of Health standard operating procedures to avoid spread of COVID-19.

Among people who took advantage of the free exercise, were soldiers, traders and medical personnel among others.
“I have saved Shs 130,000 which I would have spent on buying the yellow fever vaccine,” said Aldrine Kentaro, 43, a mother of four.

“All my children have been vaccinated. I will always be eternally grateful to NMS for its kind works,” she said.

Ms Nduhukire said the exercise was supposed to close on August 23.

“But we decided to extend it to August 30 due to high demand. We saw huge numbers which we didn’t anticipate,” she said.

“People have showed enthusiasm to receive the yellow fever vaccine.”

The exercise is benefiting Ugandan nationals from the age of nine months to 59 years.

The agency’s spokesman said this is part of NMS’ Corporate Social Responsibility.

“For a long time, NMS has always been running annual corporate Social Responsibility activities and we have always elected Yellow fever vaccination as our CSR flagship campaign. This one is not different from the one we previously run,” she emphasised.

In March 2021, NMS held a free yellow fever vaccination in Arua which management said was a token of its commitment to consistently contribute towards positive social development and better quality of life of Ugandans.
Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, strict Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in the fight against the novel Covid-19 are being observed in Entebbe.

Uganda is considered a high-risk country for Yellow fever by a comprehensive global strategy to Eliminate Yellow fever Epidemics (EYE).

Immunization remains the main strategic approach to prevent, contain and eliminate Yellow fever outbreaks.

Currently, NMS provides the necessary medicines and other medical supplies including Personal Protective Equipment to Government Health Facilities and other institutions that are at the frontline in the fight against Covid-19 as advised by Ministry of Health.

NMS’ mandate is to procure, store and distribute Essential Medicines and Medical Supplies (EMHS) to Public Health Facilities.

The institution has been distributing COVID-19 vaccines across Uganda, supporting efforts to combat the deadly pandemic.

Ms Nduhukire said over 20,000 people have been vaccinated so far. She expects more people will be vaccinated by August 30.

]]> Sheema Veterans Emyooga SACCO chairman, 2 others arrested over missing Shs15m, registering their wives as beneficiaries Thu, 26 Aug 2021 11:12:51 +0000 The Sheema District Army Veterans Emyooga SACCO chairperson and two others have been arrested for illegally withdrawing Shs15 million.

The three include Onan Mwijukye the Chairman of the SACCO, a one Johnson the Sacco Secretary and James Asiimwe who’s the Treasurer.

Mwijukye’s arrest follows reports by some members of the SACCO that he and other executive members had registered their wives and children as members of the SACCO yet they are not veterans.

This prompted Frank Besigye Kyerere, the Sheema Resident District Commissioner (RDC) to swing into action.

Benard Muhairwe, the vice chairman Sheema North Veterans Association said the SACCO’s top leadership withdrew Shs12 million from the SACCO’s account in DFCU bank Ishaka Branch, later Shs11 million but were surprised when they found out that the Shs15 million they had left on the account had gone missing mysteriously.

The RDC  Kyerere told journalists that the trio was arrested for questioning about the whereabouts of the said Sh15 million.

This week, police in Kabale district also arrested the chairperson of Kabale Municipality journalists Emyooga SACCO for misusing Shs30 million, which he allegedly shared with his mother and sister.

On May 1, Police in Kanungu District arrested two board members of Kinkizi West Journalists’ Emyooga for failing to account for emyooga funds worth Shs30m they received early that month.

The Kanungu deputy RDC, Gad Rugaju said the arrested included the chairman and treasurer of the group who withdrew the funds and failed to disburse it in accordance with the government laws and guidelines.

]]> Prosecutors up in the arms over poor pay, put their boss on notice over failure to push for their demands to government Thu, 26 Aug 2021 09:56:49 +0000 Prosecutors have sent a protest note to the president of Uganda Association of Prosecutors (UAP) Batson Baguma over his failure to address their concerns.

The complaints are prosecutors at the rank of State Attorney, who were admitted into the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in 2015.

In a 25th August 2021 letter, prosecutors say there are very pertinent and key issues that have affected them for a long time and for long these issues have been discussed at diverse Extra Ordinary and Annual General Meetings convened by UAP Executive. However, little or no success has been achieved overtime.

“The UAP members who serve in the Public Service of Uganda as Prosecutors ought to earn salaries in accordance with the government’s salary structure for legal professionals.Whereas these prosecutors are similarly skilled and perform roles generally identical to the rest of the legal professionals in the public service, the prosecutors earn wages that are unreasonably disparate and unjustly lower than the rest of their counterparts in the Judiciary, Kampala Capital City Authority, Uganda Registration Services Bureau, and Uganda Revenue Authority among others. It’s only logical that officers who do the same work in the JLOS institutions should be considered for remuneration in a uniform manner,”Khaukha James and Akankwasa Andrew Kashaija said on behalf of other members of UAP.

“Different levels of remuneration of for example, prosecutors and judicial officers at the same level of seniority in the JLOS institutions, can only cause disharmony and destroy the unity, uniform performance and efficiency,”they added.

In June 2017, prosecutors of the ODPP who were carrying out an industrial action then, acting under UAP requested Government to address a number of their concerns. A Cabinet Sub-committee was instituted to address the concerns of the prosecutors, comprising of the Minister of Justice & Constitutional Affairs, Attorney General, Minister of Finance Planning and Economic Development, Minister of Public Service, the Solicitor General, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Public Service, and Director of Public Prosecutions which culminated into a commitment letter dated 11th July 2017 signed by the then Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Hon. Maj. Gen. Kahinda Otafiire.

The Government committed itself to waive tax on salaries of the Prosecutors; elevate the salaries of the Prosecutors to a level equivalent to salaries of employees in the Uganda Registration Services Bureau;l and fast track the ODPP Bill.

Government also said it would provide professional and Responsibility allowances to the ODPP staff in the following financial year; facilitate the ODPP to better carry out its functions and restructure and promote under the New Structure to fill all vacant positions.

However, according to prosecutors, from the time the industrial action was lifted, little has been done by their umbrella body to ensure that the government commitments are fulfilled to the core.

“There has not been any waiver of taxes off from our pay, our salaries have never been elevated to the level of Legal Officers in URSB, no progress has been made to effect the promulgation of the ODPP Bill, we have never received Professional and Responsibility allowances since 2018 to date. Save for the promotions of Assistant DPPs and Chief State Attorneys, all the other categories of State Attorneys who were admitted in 2010, 2011 and 2015 have not been promoted. We must point out though that we are grateful for the promotions of prosecutors to some of the afore mentioned positions,” Khaukha and Akankwasa noted.

” Government having failed to honour its commitment, we sought legal redress in court under our umbrella of UAP. In as much as the orders sought were not granted, the court gave a Declaratory Order that the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs was in violation of the our legitimate expectation on the commitments made in the letter dater 11th July 2017 and should ensure that the same is not frustrated. However, no progress has been registered to implement the Order of Court.”

The prosecutors says UAP is a vehicle upon which they through its Executive should push government to fulfil its commitments. However, nothing is being done by the UAP Executive Committee to push towards attaining the complete fulfilment of the Commitment Letter.

“If anything is done at all, we are not informed.”

The prosecutors further warned their boss Mr Baguma and his executive to pull up their socks to demand for the fulfillment of the commitments made by government.

“It’s upon this background that we write this protest note to you, demanding that you pull up your socks, strategize appropriately and push hardest until the Government fulfils its commitments as per its Commitment Letter. We are tired of the rhetoric that the government officials have the good will for our cause. What we demand is, for that purported good will to be implemented,” they asserted.

“We also demand that His Excellency the President of Uganda grants us an opportunity to meet and interact with him to share more about the concerns of the prosecutors and also demystify the negative attitude that some government officials have over time attached to prosecutors. It’s unfortunate that no effort to this endeavor has been taken with the seriousness it deserves.We have taken note of the fact that the UAP Executive has been passive to pursue these endeavors which inaction has caused a lot of frustration, demoralization, and demotivation amongst prosecutors across board.”

]]> Medical experts ask government to institute policy regulating private health facilities Thu, 26 Aug 2021 09:01:59 +0000 Health experts in Kabale district have asked the government through the National Drug Authority to institute a strict policy that will help to ensure accountability and medicine tracking in the medical private sector as a way of reducing antimicrobial resistance.

This was raised during a two days training of stakeholders on the National Action Plan Antimicrobial resistance surveillance held at Cephas Inn hotel, Kabale municipality.

The training was organized by the Coalition for health promotion and social development (HEPS Uganda) in partnership with Infectious Disease Institute (IDI) aimed at creating awareness and sensitizing the public on ways of fighting antimicrobial resistance in Uganda.

The Kabale district surveillance officer Oren Aryeija said that due to free market and uncontrolled private clinics and pharmacies in the country, the rate of drug resistance and antimicrobial resistance has increased.

He noted that the government should institute a policy that will compel private dealers in the sale of drugs to stop selling drugs to people without prescription of qualified medical personnel.

A medical doctor and the coordinator of antimicrobial resistance surveillance at Kabale regional referral hospital Derrick Kakooza said that antimicrobial resistance is the biggest threat to human health in the country.

The Kabale district acting Health Officer Alfred Besigensi said that alongside strict policies, government need to cascade training and sensitisation strategies to understand the negative side of self medication as a key cause of antimicrobial resistance.

The HEPS Uganda programs manager Prima Kazoora said that health stakeholders need to engage the government through the office of Prime Minister and office of the President to ensure that activities of a National Health platform is cooperated in health activities.

]]> Kanye West asks LA court to legally change his name to “Ye” . Thu, 26 Aug 2021 08:37:57 +0000 Kanye West is a 44 year old American rapper , singer,songwriter,producer , businessman and fashion designer.

The American rapper wants to change his full name Kanye Omari West to “Ye” according to the Los Angelos superior court filing.The documents were dated 11th August 2021 but weren’t sent to court until 24th August 2021.

The rapper has been calling himself “Ye” on social media pages for years and first tweeted about name changing in 2018-“ the being formally known as Kanye West. I am Ye”.
“Ye “ was also the title of West’s 2018 album.

Kanye is due to release his 10th album DONDA named in tribute of his late Mother Donda West who died on 10th November 2007 is also a follow up on his 2019 album Jesus is king which won best contemporary Christian music album at the Grammys earlier this year .He has been holding series of stadium listening parties before the album release .

The designer has a fashion company for his new clothing line called “Yeezy Gap” on top of his “Yeezy” shoes which most people are familiar with.

He ran for US presidency in 2020 where he garnered just 0.04% votes nationally, he conceded his defeat said he will definitely run again in 2024.

He is in the midst of a divorce from reality tv star Kim Kardashian West who he married in 2014 and they both share 4 children; North-7yrs,Saint -5 yrs ,Chicago- 3 yrs and Psalm-2 yrs. The couple filed for divorce after almost 7 years of marriage.

Why did he change his name ?
He cites “personal reasons “in the court documents filed at LA court.

]]> WARNING! Covid-19 Taskforce to storm happening places on weekend as virus cases rise again Thu, 26 Aug 2021 08:28:53 +0000 The Kabale Covid-19 task force has tasked security forces to storm all happening places in the district on weekend hunting people flouting the presidential directives aimed at controlling the Spread of the deadly pandemic.

This resolution was reached on Wednesday during the Covid-19 taskforce meeting that was chaired by the Resident Distract Commissioner for Kabale, Darius Nandinda at the district Rukiiko hall.

According to Nandinda, the people have resumed attending and holding parties as usual yet the cases have begun to increase in Kabale.

Nandinda said he normally okays parties with twenty people but end up being attended by hundreds of people.

“I normally give permission of only twenty people but when the party
happens, you find they are over one hundred or two hundred. I think we
need to embarrass these people and chase them, even if the party is going on. Otherwise, coronavirus cases have started to increase again,” Nandinda said.

He added that popular bars in Kabale and hotels will be targeted.

President Museveni three weeks ago eased lockdown restrictions and permitted only twenty people to attend gathering while respecting standard operating procedures.

According to the Kabale acting District health officer Alfred Besigensi, the district has 33 patients admitted at Kabale Regional Referral hospital, 13 on oxygen therapy and 79 total active cases.
More than seventy people in Kabale have been killed by the deadly pandemic.

]]> Uganda has lost a brilliant General- Dignitaries pay tribute to fallen DIGP Gen Lokech Thu, 26 Aug 2021 08:14:07 +0000 The Minister of State for Defence in charge of General Duties, Hon. Jacob Marksons Oboth has said that the country has lost a brilliant General who had a vision for this country and entire continent.

Hon. Oboth-Oboth was speaking at the requiem mass held for the former Deputy Inspector General of Police, Maj Gen Paul Lokech at his home in Kitikifumba, Kira Municipality.

Late Maj Gen  Lokech passed on at his home in Kitikifumba, Kira Division in Wakiso district in the morning of Saturday 21 August.

The Minister of State for Internal Affairs, Hon. Gen David Muhoozi in his remarks said he was fortunate to share the aspects of life of the Maj Gen Lokech both as a friend and in the line of duty who as a soldier rose through the ranks from being a volunteer during the insurgencies in Northern Uganda to enlisting in the regular service where he served in the intelligence corps.

Gen Muhoozi described the late as different kind of intelligence officer who would most times pass off as a commander and during his assignment as the DIGP, Gen Lokech brought a result oriented push factor in the Police.

The Deputy Chief of Defence Forces, Lt Gen Peter Elwelu who represented the Chief of Defence Forces described the late Lokech as one of the finest Generals of the UPDF who through his actions has successfully completed his mission on earth.

Lt Gen Peter Elwelu urged the mourners to prepare for the time when they will depart the earth since it is an event that is bound to happen to all of us and said that what is important in this world is the legacy one leaves behind regardless of the years they live.

In his message read by the Chief of Joint Staff Assistant Inspector General of Police Maj Gen Jack Bakasumba, the Inspector General of Police John Martins Okoth Ochola said that the late had distinguished himself as a stellar deputy through his performance one of the best deputies he had worked with who was exceedingly good at his job adding that he effectively coordinated targeted operations and dismantled several organized crime syndicates on domestic terror, kidnaps, drug traffickers, illegal trade in minerals and motorcycle gangs among others.

The body of the late will be flown to Pader district today where Acholi Parliamentary Group and Councillors will hold a special session at Pader District Council to pay tribute to Late Gen Lokech.

Burial is slated for Friday 27 August 2021 at his ancestral home in Baibir village Pader Town council.

]]> Geoffrey Oloya: ‘Bodaboda rider’ who became first Ugandan to receive Nabbanja Covid-19 cash turns out to be an Assistant to Gulu Mayor Thu, 26 Aug 2021 07:38:10 +0000 Geoffrey Oloya, a bodaboda rider from Gulu last month became the first beneficiary of the government Covid-19 relief cash to vulnerable Ugandans.

After imposing a second lockdown in June, government through the Office of the Prime Minister said it was to give Shs100,000 cash relied to each vulnerable Uganda after by the development.

On Thursday 8, July, 2021, the Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja officiated at the launch of the disbursement exercise for the funds. After sending money to the first beneficiary, Nabbanja telephoned him to confirm whether he had recieved the cash package.

“This is the Prime Minister of Uganda, have you received the money?” an excited Nabbanja asked before Oloya responded on the other side of the line, “Yes, I have received sh102,425.”

“What do you do?” Nabbanja asked Oloya, who said he was a bodaboda rider in Gulu city.

“The sh2,425 is for withdrawing the money,” Nabbanja said, before she called other numbers of the beneficiaries selected randomly to confirm whether they had received the money.

Unfortunately, many of the phone numbers were either off or busy.

However, more than a month later, it has been discovered that Oloya has never been a boda boda rider; he just impersonated as one to benefit from the government program.

According to Nile Post news website, the Public Accounts Committee on Local Government confirmed that Oloya has never been a bodaboda rider.

The Boda Boda Association of Gulu City has since distanced itself from such person known as Oloya, while the Public Accounts Committee on Local Government headed by former Gulu District Chairperson Ojara Martin Mapenduzi has discovered that Oloya is an assistant to the Town Mayor.

“The people who were sent to register did their job but when it reached data entry, names were changed, they brought in people whose identity is not known. Some of them were made to be Boda Bodas, others made to be drivers when they are actually not,” said Mapenduzi as quoted by Nile Post.

The Committee also discovered that money meant for vulnerable groups ended up in the hands of LC III chairpersons, former Division Mayors, politicians, councillors and staff in council offices where the whole data compilation was fraudulently hijacked.

Nakut Faith Loru, the woman MP for Napak District and member of the committee also expressed dismay at the actions of the Gulu District administration.

“This is not the Gulu I knew, it is sad to find out that the people who actually benefited from the relief fund are not the people who should have. It is really painful,” Nakut stated.

]]> Johnnie Walker’s Blue Club bids farewell to UBL MD Mbugua in ‘multisensory Scotch Experience’ Thu, 26 Aug 2021 06:51:30 +0000 Members of the exclusive Johnnie Walker Blue Club bade farewell to outgoing Uganda Breweries Ltd Managing Director, Mr Alvin Mbugua, in a multisensory Scotch Experience at the Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort and Spa, on Wednesday August 25. (L-R) UBL Board members Racheal Ddumba, Jimmy Mugerwa and Board Chairman Japheth Katto toast to Alvin Mbugua’s success as UBL MD.

Mr Mbugua was appointed UBL’s MD in 2019 and steered the business to a 33 per cent growth in the last financial year, despite operating in a volatile environment characterised by Covid-19 lockdowns. He now moves to Panama, where he has been posted as General Manager, Diageo Caribbean and Central America (CCA), the largest beer business in Latin America and Caribbean region.

Guests at the farewell party

Mbugua was presented with a lifetime membership to Uganda’s Blue Club and it was a fitting farewell because he oversaw the launch of the club in 2015, during his first stint at UBL, when he served as Commercial Director. He steered the re-launch of the club when he returned as Managing Director in 2019.

The Blue Club is Uganda’s leading club for whisky lovers. Each Blue Club experience is built around the theme of ‘Whisky Conversations’ and designed to immerse members in the history, provenance and pioneering spirit of the Johnnie Walker brand, combining luxury whisky innovation with art, design, fine-dining and culture.

Afrigo Band’s Joanita Kawalya and Rachel Magola

Mr Mbugua recounted the journey of the Blue Club in Uganda.

“It gives me great joy that I leave a robust club of whisky connoisseurs and I couldn’t have asked for a better send off,” he said.

Mbugua made his last sales pitch in his capacity as UBL MD, imploring guests who had not yet signed up to join the Blue Club.

“We believe that whisky is an art form. As a member of the Johnnie Walker Blue Club, you can fully appreciate some of the world’s finest whiskies in the company of fellow connoisseur members,” he said.

UBL Head of Human Resource Catherine Khabure and Marcus Kwikiriza

Blue Club membership entitles one to perks including; personal shopping service, bespoke gifting with custom labels, packaging and bottle engraving available year-round and first opportunity to purchase limited edition Johnnie Walker products.

Other benefits include a right to host a luxury Johnnie Walker mentorship for up to 50 guests at a member’s residence, complimentary access to House of Walker locations across the globe and access to a Scotland trip concierge to visit Johnnie Walker Princes Street, a new global flagship experiential destination in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Johnnie Walker Brand Ambassador Agaba Tumusiime mentors guests on whisky appreciationers

Membership to join the Blue Club is free when one purchases a full case of Johnnie Walker Blue Label.

Guests at Mr Mbugua’s farewell were immersed in a multisensory Scotch experience, with mentorship from Johnnie Walker Brand Ambassador Agaba Tumusiime. There were whisky tasting booths representing the four corners of Scotland that took guests on a Scotch journey appreciating Singleton’s fruity notes, Glenkinchie’s floral and fruity palette to smoky Talisker, climaxing with Blue Label, the pinnacle of whisky blending.

]]> Ugandan woman, ex husband celebrate their divorce at Cafe Javas, enjoy dinner, cut cake together Thu, 26 Aug 2021 06:26:53 +0000 A Ugandan woman identified as Immaculate Nantongo and her ex husband have celebrated their divorce at Cafe Javas, a famous quick-casual restaurant in Kampala.

During the celebrations on Wednesday, the ex-couple cut cake and enjoyed dinner together.

“So finally my divorce is final yeeeeeeey after 6yrs of separation. Today I choose to celebrate an end of something that resulted into two handsome boys. I celebrate the friendship ,the co parenting and the maturity,” said Nantongo who is the founder and administrator of Fabulous and Beautiful home, a popular Facebook group that deals in real state.

Nantongo displaying her divorce papers

She added that 7 years ago she did not know that one day she and the father of her children would be sitting together at Cafe Javas and sharing a meal after all she went through in marriage.

“How time heals everything… Deciding to let go of the hurt, betrayal and choosing to forgive wasn’t a simple thing but I did and we are in the best place we could ever be.I’m not here to glamorize divorce but to tell anyone in a similar situation, divorce is not the end of life. You can still be civil with your ex. Life can still be beautiful but also to let you know that God is not mad at you. Yes he hates divorce but he loves you so much,”Nantongo disclosed.

“No parent would want their child to endure or be killed in a relationship just for the sake of it. If we earthly parents want the best for our kids how about God our father?God hates divorce for what it does to people, it breaks up families but in the midst of your divorce you can choose to make the most out of your situation. Co parent better. It’s all about giving your kids the best opportunities in life. Making the best decisions for them. So for one last time, we came together to celebrate the life we had and the individual lives we live.Happy divorce day to us and to the next chapter of my life.”


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