Camila Cabellos Cindrella Has A Message But Falls Short of Praise

The ambitious Cinderella movie falls flat in ratings but still has befitting messages to deliver

Cinderella is one of the Disney classics that has been dished out for years to the audiences in multiple formats. Back in the year, as animated version and now the CGI-packed live-action version. Be it any format, the fundamentals have always been consistent. An atrocious life, marriage, and then ‘happily ever after’. But what happens when you tinker the plot and layer it with modern-era troubles? Does it fly high or wreaks the catastrophe on the box office, albeit in these times, viewership on the OTTs. Camila Cabello’s Cinderella has attempted to be as contemporary as possible but still is garnering mixed reactions.

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Spoiler Alert!!

Camila Cabello’s Feminism reclaims the mantle

The movie serves a complete turnaround in its perspective when contrasted with the original counterpart. Wherein the predecessor is mainly a reflection of male dominance, the fresher version converts it into a tale of feminism. Precisely, each leading female character, living under the shadows of a pre-conceived code of behavior for women. Elaboratively, mockery on entrepreneurship spirit of Cinderella, incompetence of Princess to rule the Kingdom and many other similar tragic backstories. The movie unfolds to provide center-stage to women.

Subtle hints on the appalling issue

Another positive aspect of the movie is to ring a bell in the ears of the audience about prevailing alarming issues. The movie puts in use satirical dialogues to drop subtle hints. Like, the princess questioning the use of coal instead of renewable energy like the wind for power generation. And slamming the decision of employing funds on defence rather than eradicating poverty. More so, it even attempts to radiate body positivity by consciously making one of the stepsisters of Cinderella a plus-size character. 

A blend of diversification

The movie pulls off yet another experiment with its characters. At first, the fairy Godmother is not actually a mother, it is a male. Secondly, the character is played by gay black men, namely Billy Porter. It is a shoutout to being inclusive in its narrative. Which at the present time is extremely demanding given the flames of Black Lives Matter.    

So, what went wrong?

Despite, the movie being as accommodating as possible, it still failed to impress the audience. Resultantly, the rating on IMDb tanked to 4.1/10 which is abysmally low for a classic movie like this. The blamed is being shifted to many shoulders. For starters, the overdone songs, which are mainly remakes of classics in the name of delivering a musical movie. Not to miss, the contradictory plotline and poor performances by some of the actors. Also, the movie went far long to prove its uniqueness that it ended up being non-reasonable. The audience also thrashed the movie while rating for ruining the classics like Cinderella and blending it with unnecessary agendas.

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Video Credits: Austin Burke

Overall, if you like a movie that challenges the historic nuances and likewise you are also open for impertinent tweaks, then Cinderella is a watchable dose of aesthetics. Otherwise, it would be best to stay away, as this movie will completely alter the image of Cinderella that we have known for generations. Like where is her iconic blue gown?  

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