The Eternals Rip-off Henry Cavills Superman

While the MCU is a far better planned, coherent and successful universe than DC’s failed DCEU, there are some things that Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder did with their trilogies of DC films which continue to inspire the next generation of Comic Book Movies.

Watch: Marvel Studios’ Eternals | Final Trailer

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Video Credits: Marvel Entertainment Is Ikaris copied from Superman?

But there is a fine line between taking inspiration and blatant copying. The most recent claim from some fans is that Marvel character Ikaris is being ripped off from DC’s stalwart Superman. While Ikaris and Superman have a lot of differences in their characters, the way Chloe Zhao has portrayed her interpretation of Ikaris is very similar to how Zack Snyder did his Superman in Man of Steel, Batman Vs Superman, and most recently his four-hour version of Justice League.

Although there have been Superman movies done before, Snyder was the first to introduce Clark Kent to the modern world with a new visual language, that included Superman’s eyes getting red in the veins while using the laser beam, an awesome fight sequence with General Zod and his famous first flight. And upon closer inspection, Ikaris’ use of his powers is very similar to how we have seen Henry Cavill’s Superman use them.

The problem arises because we have seen in the past that even if two characters have similar powers we can see how different filmmakers show to portray them differently visually. Zhao’s use of Marvel’s Ikaris is very similar to Superman in the recent DC movies.

Who are the Eternals?

The Eternals are an evolutionary offshoot of humanity gifted with amazing powers and abilities to look after the human race throughout the ages. One million years ago, the Celestials created one hundred Eternals and left. Since then, they’ve lived secluded on Earth, rarely interfering and, when they perish, they are simply reborn.

After a devastating civil war that resulted in the exile of Uranos and his followers, the Eternals chose a path of peace and dedicated their lives to better themselves and their society. The best example of their newfound capabilities being the power of the Uni-Mind, which is created when several Eternals come together and join their will and intelligence into one powerful entity.

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Video Credits: Marvel Entertainment

Throughout the millennia, the Eternals built great cities, including their current home, Olympia, which provided the setting for their meeting with the Olympians, the gods of Ancient Greece. After noticing the similarities between both species, they allied and the Eternals acted as the gods’ representatives on Earth for a while. Recently, the Eternals went mad and turned against each other or committed suicide, but they have since been revived and are slowly starting to return to their peaceful ways.

The Eternals highly anticipated debut

While it is not known why the Eternals were not present while the Avengers battled Thanos, it is fair to assume that the addition of another group may have become one too many in an already overcrowded finale for the MCU. The new phase of MCU requires new leaders and we’ll see if The Eternals rise to the challenge.

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